变 VS 变化 VS 换

变, 变化 and 换 are all related to “change”, what are the differences between them?

变 and 变化 refer to the change happening on somebody or something themselves, for example: 你变瘦了 (You’re getting thinner). The difference between 变 and 变化 is: 变 can only work as verb, while 变化 can work as both verb and noun. 换 means “to exchange,” for example, to change an unsatisfactory coat for another one, in such case, you can say: 我想换一件 (I want to exchange this coat for another one).

The difference between变 and 变化 is: 变 can only work as verb, while变化 can work as both verb and noun.

She not only became thinner, but also became beautiful.
Tā búdàn biàn shòule, érqiě biàn piàoliang le.

There are many changes in my hometown.
Wǒ de jiāxiāng yǒu hěnduō biànhuà.

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